In the components business price can often be the determining factor as to what product the manufacturer uses. For a great many mass-market products and applications, the low-cost off-the-shelf, one-piece stamped receptacle fits the bill. The price is right, the performance is adequate.
In the components business price can often be the determining factor as to what product the manufacturer uses. For a great many mass-market products and applications, the low-cost off-the-shelf, one-piece stamped receptacle fits the bill. The price is right, the performance is adequate.
However there are other applications for which the performance and quality standards are much higher because the cost and consequences of failure are much greater. These include medical, military, industrial monitoring devices, safety equipment and other applications considered critical. While price plays a major role in most product designs, there are times when price takes a back seat to other factors. In many cases these factors will dictate the use of machined pin receptacles.
In this white paper you will learn:
- Why machined pin receptacles improve the performance of a design
- Where machined pin receptacles are used
- How more expensive machined pin receptacles can elongate the life of your product
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