What Manufacturers Need to Know About Generative Design: A technology white paper for executives

The traditional design process, with multiple iterations of design, simulate, test and prototype could do with a makeover—and generative design is just that. Unlike the traditional design process, generative design works automatically and at computer speed.

Every product can be improved and made at less cost. But how can you do that in the most efficient way and gain a competitive edge? Shorten the product-development cycle and your company can improve the numbers across the board, from customer satisfaction to market share to profitability.

The traditional design process, with multiple iterations of design, simulate, test and prototype could do with a makeover—and generative design is just that. Generative design can make a part lighter and yet still strong enough to do the job—and because it uses less material, it can cost less. Unlike the traditional design process, generative design works automatically and at computer speed.

This white paper will provide manufacturing company executives with:

  • A full explanation of the benefits of generative design
  • An executive summary of how generative design works
  • An understanding of how generative design can work with existing manufacturing capability
  • Confirmation of what businesses benefit from generative design
  • An idea of how generative design can help drive sales

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