Virtual or Cloud Desktops: The Ultimate Performance for Remote Workers

Learn how a virtual desktop solution will give all users, including the most demanding and discerning power users, the performance they need to remain productive working remote and learn how a successful virtual desktop solution can benefit your firm.

Remote working is here to stay in some form for most of us! For designers and engineers, desktop and application performance is everything. In this webinar, you will learn how a VDI (virtual desktop) solution, on-premise, private cloud or public cloud will give all users, including the most demanding and discerning power users, the performance they need to remain productive working remotely. You will also learn, how a successful virtual desktop solution can benefit your firm, including the following:

  • User Mobility/homeworking
  • IP and data security
  • Centralization of all data and processing
  • Super charged performance
  • Collaboration on projects
  • Access from any device, from anywhere
  • Desktop Disaster recovery built in

About the Speaker:

Adam Jull – CEO, IMSCAD Cloud and IMSCAD Global. Adam founded IMSCAD Global and IMSCAD Cloud to be the global leaders for delivering graphical applications on the Public or in a Private Cloud. IMSCAD works through channel partners and many Cloud Providers, system integrators and distributors. IMSCAD Cloud has been launched to help customers utilize the Cloud with real performance of their graphical applications. Setting up hosted or Cloud desktops with graphics is not easy, so IMSCAD offers the service wrap to provide peace of mind to their customers. IMSCAD offers the world’s first Graphical DaaS (Desktop as a Service). IMSCAD also works with many ISV’s (Independent software vendors) providing virtualization consulting, troubleshooting and support.

This webinar is sponsored by IMSCAD.