Universal Associativity between CAD Files for FEA Analysis

In this e-book, Peter Kirkwood of Integration Guard explains the pros and cons of various options to integrate CAD including his design change vector method.

There is no guarantee that all stakeholders will use the same CAD applications. Integrating these CAD designs can prove complicated because persistent identifiers can be defined, translated, reassigned, and renamed.

In this ebook, Peter Kirkwood of Integration Guard explains the pros and cons of various options to integrate CAD including his design change vector method.

In this ebook you will learn:

  • Why Persistent Identifiers make CAD integration difficult
  • Top 3 current methods to integrate CAD
  • How design change vectors work and create universal associativity
  • About an FEA example using design change vectors

This ebook is free to all members of ENGINEERING.com. Please fill out the form to your right to download the ebook.