The Status and Future of Engineering Design and CAE Technologies

As consumers continue to demand more complex and reliable products, there is an added need for advanced engineering design and computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools. We surveyed designers, engineers, managers and specialists to learn about their use of these tools, and have shared the results in this report.

As consumers continue to demand more complex and reliable products, there is an added need for advanced engineering design and computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools. We wanted to understand how organizations utilize advanced design, CAE and digital transformation tools, how these tools support their work, how organizations are implementing them and what is keeping these tools from being used by those that need them.

We surveyed over a hundred designers, engineers, managers, educators and specialists to learn about their use of advanced engineering design and CAE, and have shared the results in this report.

In this report, you will learn:

  • How accessible are advanced design and CAE tools?
  • How do engineers incorporate these tools into their practice?
  • The top design and CAE technologies for today and the future
  • Reasons why engineers and designers avoid these tools
  • Current and future simulation practices

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