This eBook is your guide to creating the best practice for project success. It shows how ERP opens the door to insightful analytics that guide planning, execution, financial management, and more.
It’s an exhilarating challenge, this business of projects. No day is quite like the day before, as you’re constantly seeking new projects to land, preparing proposals to win business, executing work that you’ve won, getting paid, and ensuring that you’re following all the rules. Achieving project excellence takes strategic alignment of people, processes, and tools, which is no easy task.
In this line of work, there’s an avalanche of interconnected data involving the projects you’re working on, the people who are making them happen, and the financials that are essential to survival. Yes, it’s all interconnected, though many organizations maintain multiple silos of information, making it hard to access vital decision-making intelligence and causing all kinds of errors and manual work. The most successful project-based organizations have learned to harness all of the information by putting it into one place: the project-based ERP.
This eBook is your guide to creating this best practice for project success. It spells out in detail the nature of project-based work, the concept of enterprise resource management, and how organizations capture new business. It shows how ERP opens the door to insightful analytics that guide planning, execution, and financial management. And it shares thoughts about the regulatory challenges inherent in government work.
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