Tech-Clarity’s Expert Guide to Basic CAD Management

Engineers and their companies canÆt afford the continued risk of unmanaged (or manually managed) CAD data.

Engineers and their companies can’t afford the continued risk of unmanaged (or manually managed) CAD data. At the same time, traditional PDM and PLM solutions have been too much for many companies due to cost, complexity, and a lack of IT resources. So how do you decide the right solution for you?

In this 15-page eBook, the president of independent analyst firm Tech-Clarity, Jim Brown, has written a guide to help. He covers topics such as:

  • CAD data management and PDM
  • Managing versions and revisions
  • Working with distributed members
  • Sharing CAD files with manufacturers and clients

Download the eBook by filling out the form on the right and learn how CAD data management using cloud solutions can benefit your organization.

Your download of this eBook is sponsored by GrabCAD.