Smart Products: Making the Transition to Intelligent, Connected Devices

Today, multidisciplinary design teams must collaborate soon and often to reach development milestones with projects of increasing complexity. This webinar will discuss how successful current and future engineering teams will use the cloud and software as a service to facilitate collaborative product development and more.

In today’s connected world, everything from spacecraft to sneakers have become intelligent. Low-cost sensor technology combined with 5G and the Cloud allow new generation devices to aggregate and stream large amounts of data for the benefit of consumer and manufacturer alike. For product developers and manufacturers however, low cost, smart technology can add costs up front at the research and development phase.

Today, multidisciplinary design teams must collaborate soon and often to reach development milestones with projects of increasing complexity. This webinar will discuss:

  • How each engineering domain, from mechanical to software is affected by the complexity of smart technology
  • How the traditional development process must change for effective product development of connected devices
  • How successful current and future engineering teams will use the cloud and software as a service to facilitate collaborative product development
  • What core competencies are needed in engineering organizations to achieve success
  • How smart PLM is an essential part of these collaborative systems

About the Speakers:

Jim Anderton – Director of Content, Multimedia – Mr. Anderton was formerly editor of Canadian Metalworking Magazine and has contributed to a wide range of print and on-line publications, including Design Engineering, Canadian Plastics, Service Station and Garage Management, Autovision, and the National Post. He also brings prior industry experience in quality and part design for a Tier One automotive supplier.

Kurt Pennington – Siemens Teamcenter Solutions Specialist – Siemens Digital Industries Software. Mr. Pennington has over 30 years’ experience with Computer-aided Design and Product Lifecycle Management tools. He has been with Siemens for nearly 15 years as a Pre-Sales Solution Consultant assisting customers across multiple industries with the use and success of Siemens solutions to solve their business challenges. He draws from his experience working in the design and manufacturing area with past employers such as General Dynamics, Andrew Corporation, and EG&G.

This webinar is sponsored by Siemens Digital Industries Software.