Research Report: Why do product teams miss their cost targets?

In this research report we will detail the relationships between a team’s ability to meet their cost targets, the type of BoM management system they use, and their satisfaction with that system. The results are striking

Why do product teams miss their cost targets? surveyed 234 product development professionals to find out. We are sharing the results to help product development professionals benchmark their product cost performance.
In this research report we will detail the relationships between a team’s ability to meet their cost targets, the type of BoM management system they use, and their satisfaction with that system. The results are striking

Here are a few insights:

  • Only 17% of design teams classify themselves as exceptional at meeting cost
  • There was a statistically significant relationship between what type of BoM management system a team used and their ability to meet cost targets. Top performing teams were 5X more likely to rely on Cloud-Based BoM Management systems than Poor Performers.
  • User satisfaction matters too. Teams who were unsatisfied with their BoM Management tools were also more likely to report missing cost targets.

The data supporting these findings is presented in charts and graphics in this 17-page report.

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