New Approaches to Physical Verification Closure & Cloud Computing Come to the Rescue in the EUV Era

Continuously developing smarter, more accurate, faster, and more efficient processes helps the industry improve both the bottom line and product quality, even in the face of increasing technological complexity.

As the semiconductor industry strives to keep Moore’s Law moving forward, companies are continually confronted with new and mounting challenges. Complex fill requirements have emerged as a critical success factor in both manufacturability and performance in leading-edge nodes.

In response, EDA suppliers constantly evaluate and experiment with the design information they receive from both design houses and foundries, and often establish collaborative projects, to assess the impact of changing technology, and to develop and implement new functionality and new tools that reduce or eliminate time and resource impacts while ensuring accuracy and full coverage.

Time-to-market is a critical commodity in the electronics industry, as is the cost-effective use of resources and engineer expertise. Replacing inefficient, less precise verification processes with smarter, more accurate, faster, and more efficient functionality helps maintain, and even grow, both the bottom line and product quality in the face of increasing technological complexity.

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