Is Your Digital Thread Cut Short? Mend It with Intelligent Search

In this white paper, industry leaders, managers and engineers will learn how to mend the digital thread so that it acts as a single source of truth for an organization. With this mended tool, organizations can reduce their cost of quality which, for some, can equate to about a fifth of sales revenue.

The digital thread isn’t a buzzword—it is a description of the optimal flow of data within and between people, tools and systems associated with the lifecycle of a product. Organizations that embrace the digital thread will see significant benefits for customers, business partners and shareholders by increasing efficiency, reducing redundancy, improving collaboration, and accelerating innovation.

Unfortunately, many organizations struggle with the basics of developing a digital thread, leading to gaps and errors within company data.

In this white paper, industry leaders, managers and engineers will learn how to mend the digital thread so that it acts as a single source of truth for an organization. With this mended tool, organizations can reduce their cost of quality (CoQ) which, for some, can equate to about a fifth of sales revenue.

In this white paper you will learn:

  • What makes the digital thread complex
  • Why it’s hard to agree on a single source of truth
  • How digital threads should work
  • How AI-based search can mend digital threads
  • Who has benefited from AI-search through case studies

Click here to watch the related webinar.

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