How to Choose the Right Data Storage Format for Your Measurement System

For many new measurement systems, choosing the right data storage approach is an afterthought. Engineers often end up selecting the storage strategy that most easily meets the needs of the application in its current state without considering...

ASCII? Binary? XML? What format should you use to store your data? Should it be in database files or TDMS? For most engineers the data format is an afterthought, but making a wrong choice can come back to haunt you.

Since so many devices are now capturing data, the engineers at National Instruments have drafted a great white paper that gives you a framework of how to decide on your data storage format. In this white paper you’ll learn how to select a data storage format that:

  • Handles your data volume and streaming speeds
  • Is exchangeable with your colleagues
  • Works with your visualization and analysis software
  • Can be retrieved easily

The white paper also provides a link to a deeper resources on data mining for your measurement systems.

Complete the form to download your free white paper. Your download of this white paper is sponsored by National Instruments.