Explore how small and medium-sized manufacturers leverage the Digital Thread and SaaS/connected services to improve efficiency and sustainability, generate revenue and ultimately gain a competitive advantage.
Small and medium-sized manufacturers and OEMs are facing growing pressure to adopt more sustainable practices. Driven by regulatory requirements and customer demand, sustainability—often wrapped up in environmental, social and governance (ESG)—has become a key factor for many manufacturing businesses.
Many large manufacturers have begun to embrace sustainable practices. However, for SMBs, sustainability is less of a priority, and for good reason. Sustainability practices are often thought to be complicated and costly to adopt. They require dedicated, specially trained personnel to implement and manage them. Unlike large enterprises that have access to more resources, SMBs rarely have the people or financial resources to dedicate to these endeavors without a significant business case to take the leap.
Fortunately, advancements in digital technologies and connected services have created new opportunities for companies to improve their sustainability performance. The data collected by these digital technologies, which span from engineering and design through procurement and logistics to manufacturing and execution, combine to create a “Digital Thread” that not only tracks a product throughout its entire lifecycle, but also illuminates previously undetectable opportunities to increase efficiency, shed costs and improve sustainability of a product and the processes that created it.
How should the leadership of a manufacturing SMB proceed in light of these considerations? As with any decision of this magnitude, they should start by examining the business case.
This white paper explores how small and medium-sized manufacturers can leverage the Digital Thread and SaaS/connected services to improve efficiency and sustainability, generate revenue and ultimately gain a competitive advantage.
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