Like many automotive manufacturers, BMW uses additive manufacturing to make jigs and fixtures. They also use AM, specifically Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), to make hand tools that augment the work of assembly workers.
Like many automotive manufacturers, BMW uses additive manufacturing to make jigs and fixtures. They also use AM, specifically Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), to make hand tools that augment the work of assembly workers.

According to engineer Gunter Schmidt, “BMW has determined that the FDM process can be an alternative to the conventional metal-cutting manufacturing processes like milling, turning and boring.”
Manufacturers can learn much from BMW’s creative use of FDM, including:
- Applications for hand-held devices that ease the tasks of assembly workers
- Dollars saved by using FDM compared to traditional CNC methods
- Lead time reductions on tooling by using FDM
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