High Return on Investment with Ansys Software on HPC Infrastructure

Discover the results from latest Hyperion Research showing the return on investment, differences running on prem versus in the cloud, and project testimonials for HPC.

In this webinar, we reveal substantial returns on investment in HPC for Ansys simulation projects regarding revenue, profit, cost savings, and innovation.

High-performance computing (HPC) has long been recognized as a key enabler for engineering simulation to increase the pace of industrial innovation and research advancement however, quantifying the value added to engineering simulation projects by HPC has largely been unexplored.

In a joint survey with Hyperion Research, 71 Ansys projects have been characterized by their area of innovation, industry categorization, innovation category, and cloud utilization. Documenting success stories and quantifying the relationship between investments in HPC and subsequent return on investment (ROI). You’ll see insight into the types of HPC engineering simulation projects that have tremendous success and empower project/program decision-makers to understand the benefits of leveraging HPC.

Watch Hyperion Research and Intel reveal the survey results:

  • Revenue ROI, and profit/cost savings ROI per dollar of HPC invested
  • Comparison of ROI for projects primarily running on-premises versus in the cloud
  • Comparison of ROIs between different areas of innovation, and industry
  • Multiple project testimonials

Who should watch:

  • IT decision makers
  • Engineers
  • Business decision makers


  • Wim Slagter (Ansys)
  • Aswathy Nair (Intel Corporation)
  • Jaclyn Ludema (Hyperion Research)

This webinar is sponsored by Ansys.