Searching through prior art & technical literature to ensure your idea is unique is a formidable task. Discover how’s semantic search, built specifically to uncover patent information, can make the patent process faster & easier.
The U.S. patent system protects intellectual property in technology and is the cornerstone of industrial innovation. If intellectual property wasn’t protected by patent law, there would be little protection from copycats. Also, companies would waste time and money developing the same ideas.
When an idea is patented, it can only be used under license. This allows small companies to compete with the biggest companies – and facilitates innovation.
But there are millions of patents at the U.S. patent office. Searching through all the prior art and technical literature to ensure your idea is unique is a formidable task. And you could die of boredom. You could Google your idea but your results will not be reliable or comprehensive. You will not know whether your idea is unique or simply not found.
There must be a better way to search. In this white paper, we discuss how’s semantic search, built specifically to uncover patent information, can make the patent process faster and easier by:
- Identifying opportunities for IP protection
- Improving disclosures during the patent process
- Developing IP protection strategies including whether to patent or publish
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