Management and verification teams sometimes resist adoption of emulation because they regard it as an expensive and hard to use resource. This paper examines the history of these perceptions and describes how an emulation job management strategy renders these concerns obsolete.
Increased design complexity, protocols, embedded software, power and verification at the system level all drive the need for the kind of performance, capacity, and “shift-left” methodology that only emulation delivers. Yet management and verification teams sometimes resist adoption of emulation because they regard it as an expensive and hard to use resource. But is this really the case?
This paper examines the history of these perceptions and describes how an emulation job management strategy, centered upon the integration of the Veloce Enterprise Server App and leading job management software, renders these concerns obsolete. With the Veloce ES App automated job management flow, companies are already seeing a 20 to 30 percent improvement in emulation utilization.
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