EDA in the Cloud – Now More than Ever

Learn how and why the cloud became a viable option for IC verification, understand the costs and benefits, and explore the ways your company can best use cloud resources to expand your HPC resource options, balance resource demand, and improve your bottom line.

Designs teams are always under pressure to get to market as fast as possible. Physical verification happens at the end of the design cycle, so when the design schedule invariably slips, enormous pressure is put on the verification team to complete more design iterations per day to achieve tapeout as quickly as possible. For any company, the impact of moving from one design turn per day to multiple turns per day will significantly compress their time to tapeout.

We are on our way to an environment where cloud computing for EDA will be as ubiquitous as the foundry is today for IC wafer manufacturing. However, most companies are still primarily performing on-premise compute, and trying to figure out what percentage of their work for which it makes sense to leverage the cloud.

Learn how and why the cloud became a viable option for IC verification, understand the costs and benefits, and explore the ways your company can best use cloud resources to expand your HPC resource options, balance resource demand, and improve your bottom line for both established nodes and leading-edge technologies.

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