eBook: Putting PLM Within Reach

PLM implementations are faster and less expensive than most people think.

PLM implementations are faster and less expensive than most people think:

About one-half of PLM implementations cost less than $250,000.

About two-thirds are implemented in less than a year.

In this eBook, PLM analyst Jim Brown describes three changes in the PLM landscape that are easing the adoption of PLM:

  • Payment models are becoming more flexible
  • Most vendors now offer at least a partial cloud solution, which can reduce deployment resources
  • Operating costs can now more closely match business needs

About the Author:

Jim Brown is the president of Tech-Clarity, an independent research firm that specializes in analyzing the business value of software technology.

Jim’s experience spans enterprise applications including PLM, ERP, quality management, service lifecycle management, manufacturing and supply chain management. Jim is passionate about improving product development and engineering performance.

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