eBook – Becoming a 3D Printing Expert: A guide to Rapid Protoyping

Today, the pace of innovation in the manufacturing industry is faster than ever before, but at the same time engineers are under increased pressure to get concepts to market quickly. Development teams must make fast and accurate decisions during the conceptual stage of design.

Today, the pace of innovation in the manufacturing industry is faster than ever before, but at the same time engineers are under increased pressure to get concepts to market quickly. Development teams must make fast and accurate decisions during the conceptual stage of design.

Rapid prototyping with 3D printing gives designers the ability to fail fast, produce multiple design iterations quickly, and change a product design overnight to meet deadlines.

But with a plethora of 3D printing technologies and materials to choose from, variation from one machine to the next, and unique process specifications, it may feel safer to take the traveled road than to pave the way for new technology and innovation — especially when your reputation is on the line.

In this eBook you will learn:

  • How to choose the right materials for you rapid prototyping application
  • Key design considerations that need to be accounted for when developing a project for rapid prototyping
  • How to reduce the cost of 3D printing

This eBook is sponsored by Stratasys Direct. To download, please complete the form on this page.