eBook: 3D Printing for Good

3D printing offers a great deal of powerful potential, not just in shaping the way businesses operate but in actually making the world a better place.

3D printing offers a great deal of powerful potential, not just in shaping the way businesses operate but in actually making the world a better place.

For example, low-cost prosthetics could enable greater access to otherwise costly medical devices, or bioprinted tissues could make it possible to shortcut long waiting lists for organ transplants.

In this 36-page eBook, you will learn about the various ways 3D printing may be used to do good in the world, including:

  • 3D-printed prosthetics
  • Open source 3D printing
  • 3D printing for sustainable production
  • Bioprinting organ transplants

About the Author:

Michael Molitch-Hou is the Associate Managing Editor of ENGINEERING.com and subject expert for the site’s 3D printing section. Michael previously served as Editor-in-Chief of 3D Printing Industry and has covered additive manufacturing technology day in and day out since 2012, with hundreds of articles to his credit. He is also the founder of The Reality Institute.

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