Driving Data Insights: 10 Benchmarking Best Practices for A&E Firms

As data-driven businesses focus on constant improvement, A&E firms are taking the next step towards improved results by implementing benchmarking. Move past using intuition to manage your business and start operating based on facts.

The ability for a business to grow and succeed is not guaranteed. And in today’s competitive and ever-changing business environment, A&E firms need to use all the available tools to prosper. Benchmarking is perhaps the most valuable tool for gaining a fact-based understanding of how the business is performing — not only in isolation, but also in comparison to similar firms. The combination of internal and external metrics provides a perspective that enables management to make optimal decisions.

However, to get the maximum value from the benchmarking process, there are best practices that must drive the implementation of the initiative. The 10 best practices listed in this white paper provide a framework that will help firms maximise the benefits and deliver the game-changing capabilities that come from an effective benchmarking process.

Benchmarking best practice:

  • Include External Data: Discover why using external data is key to successful benchmarking
  • Involve Key Stakeholders: Make sure that benchmarking gets the focus it deserves by involving the right people
  • Improve The Numbers: Use benchmarking insights to improve business and project performance

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