Digital Twins are the Next Evolution of BIM

A digital twin is far more than just a model; it is a changing, adapting digital mirror of an actual object or system. Learn how digital twins are being used with BIM in the AEC industry.

Digital twins are the latest digital tool in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. A digital twin is far more than just a model; it is a changing, adapting digital mirror of an actual object or system.

For AEC, the building information model (BIM) has a lot of data without insight or applicability, it is of limited use. Digital twins can change the way AEC firms operate by leveraging BIM data for not only new builds but also calculating the lifecycle of systems and equipment in an existing building or structure. Using a digital twin allows an owner to do everything, from monitoring the building process to predicting maintenance of equipment in their facilities, leveraging the data from a current building for developing another facility.

In this white paper, you will learn:

  • How digital twins are being used with BIM in the AEC industry
  • Benefits of incorporating a digital twin into the design process
  • Using digital twins during construction, operation and maintenance

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