How can a company find new and novel ideas faster, rank ideas for novelty and get a picture of the competitive landscape?’s suite of AI-powered innovation tools lets engineers and inventors search and find relevant Prior Art, map technology landscapes and easily draft comprehensive disclosures – all in one powerful workflow.
How can a company find new and novel ideas faster, rank ideas for novelty and get a picture of the competitive landscape?’s suite of AI-powered innovation tools lets engineers and inventors search and find relevant Prior Art, map technology landscapes and easily draft comprehensive disclosures – all in one powerful workflow. improves this process with a special search engine tailored for patent searches. Their search engine, InnovationQ Plus, lets engineers and inventors quickly search for keywords related to an idea and immediately get a picture of what already exists. It will do a semantic search, stripping away jargon and uncover inventions you could overlook because another company uses different terminology.
In this white paper, we’ll explore the innovation process empowered by InnovationQ Plus, including:
- Identifying and evaluating patentable ideas
- Validating an innovative idea against competing ideas and patents
- The disclosure process aided by Augmented Intelligence
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