Cold Beer Design Breakthrough-Meet the Inventors

Nobody likes warm beer. Ty Parker and Trevor Abbott decided to do something about it, and so began the SpinChill adventure.

Nobody likes warm beer. 

Ty Parker and Trevor Abbott decided to do something about it, and so began the SpinChill adventure.

Coming from Mechanical Engineering backgrounds, they decided to use their knowledge of heat transfer to solve this problem by creating the first SpinChill prototype.

Their hypothesis was that spinning a can of beer in a vat of ice would increase the rate of heat transfer significantly.


In this webinar you will learn about:

  • Their experience with Kickstarter
  • How they prototyped with a MakerBot 3D Printer
  • How they found manufacturers in America and abroad


About the presenters:

Ty Parker and Trevor Abbott began the SpinChill adventure during the summer of 2013 in Gainesville, FL. Many times during their college career they’d had warm beers and only one way to cool them down: throw them in ice water and wait.

To sign up for this entertaining and informative webinar, fill out the form on the right.

This webinar is sponsored by MakerBot.