CFD for Mechanical Design Engineers

In this white paper the analysts at CIM Data argue that earlier and more frequent CFD analysis results in shorter product development times.

In this white paper the analysts at CIM Data argue that earlier and more frequent CFD analysis results in shorter product development times.

Most CAD users don’t use CFD tools because their either lack the expertise or aren’t aware of how CFD tools can help.
But earlier use of CFD can not only support faster design, but also improve quality and reduce the amount of rework. CFD tools support analysis that spans a broad range of applications such as:

  • Flow analysis around solid objects such as air flowing over a car
  • Simulation of gases to solve high-pressure gas problems
  • Heat transfer analysis
  • Electronics cools analysis of circuit boards and assemblies

In this white paper the analysts point out that increasing product complexity and embedded electronics argue for higher value of CFD earlier in the design process and that modern tools can be used by non-specialist engineers.

Your download of this white paper is sponsored by Mentor Graphics.