This white paper explores the rising prominence of spatial computing, particularly 3D displays like the Sony Spatial Reality Display (SRD), a glasses-free 3D display that’s already proving its merit for design engineers across industries.
Spatial computing is becoming more accessible by the day, and engineers and manufacturers are finding immense value in the technology. But the extension of computing into the third dimension isn’t limited to extended reality (XR) headsets—it also represents the evolution of display technology.
This white paper explores this evolution with an in-depth look at the Sony Spatial Reality Display (SRD), a glasses-free 3D display that offers engineers an immediate and accurate view into the third dimension. You’ll learn:
- How glasses-free 3D displays like the SRD fit into design workflows
- The fascinating technology behind the SRD, and how it can display responsive 3D models without a headset
- How engineers and architects are using the SRD to drive innovation
- And much more
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