AI Consistency for Subjective Human Decisions

This white paper will discuss how manufacturers, an electronics manufacturer and a distillery, are reducing costs and ensuring product quality with new AI-based decision-support technologies that make human decisions consistent, reliable and trackable.

When it comes to visual inspection tasks humans do a good job, as we rely on our senses to detect flaws, defects, and changes to patterns, we adapt quickly and make logical decisions based on case examples. However, we make mistakes or second guess our judgement and instincts when we execute repetitive tasks or develop fatigue.

Traditional inspection processes for manufacturers specializing in short-run, customized, seasonal, and regional products, often utilize human inspectors given the uneconomical challenges to fully automating inspection processes. For these manufacturers, introducing technologies like AI-based visual inspection tools help add decision-support so operators will always make a correct, objective choice. This also promotes higher valued skills within the organization and helps to retain staff and train employees quickly and efficiently.

Topics discussed will include:

  • Digitization and Automation – Reducing costly errors that lead to delays, line-down time, and quality concerns
  • Communication and Integrations – How IoT-ready connectivity between apps and resourcing tools streamline databases and operations
  • Analytics and Traceability – Filling data gaps from manual manufacturing processes to drive real-time end-to-end analysis and continuous improvement
  • Scalability and Customizations – Increasing productivity by customizing user workflows trained on unique product requirements using “no code” tools

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