Research On Silica Particle Formation in Microgravity Could Lead to New Tire Rubber Products

Goodyear's research project on the ISS will examine effects of microgravity on silica particle formation.

(Image credit: NASA.)

(Image credit: NASA.)

The International Space Station (ISS) has become a hotbed of exciting and innovative research over the last two decades, with experiments involving everything from growing food vegetables to 3D printing in space drawing attention and accolades.

The ISS U.S. National Laboratory section of the station is available to government agencies and academic and private institutions, providing access to the permanent microgravity setting, and will soon see a new project from Goodyear.

Recently announced at the ISS Research and Development Conference, the project will involve studying the formation of silica particles, a common material used in consumer tires, in the microgravity environment of the space station. With the knowledge gained from this evaluation, Goodyear’s engineers and scientists will be able to determine whether further investigation of unique forms of precipitated silica should be considered for use in tires.

“Goodyear has been a pioneer in tire innovations related to space, with the first and only tires on the moon, numerous projects with NASA and now this,” said Eric Mizner, Goodyear’s director of global materials science. “It underscores our passion for going to the ends of the earth – and beyond – to develop new technologies that help us deliver breakthrough products with true consumer benefits.”

Recent academic experiments in microgravity conditions have demonstrated the ability to generate unique morphologies that could show potential in delivering higher performance products. Should this project result in a significant breakthrough, it could lead to improvements in fuel efficiency and other performance factors, as well as new ways to manufacture or recycle tires and tire rubber.

NASA astronauts Drew Feustel and Serena Auñón-Chancellor on the International Space Station. (Image credit: NASA.)

NASA astronauts Drew Feustel and Serena Auñón-Chancellor on the International Space Station. (Image credit: NASA.)

The in-space evaluation is being conducted through an agreement with the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), the organization tasked by NASA to manage the ISS U.S. National Laboratory.

“The ISS National Lab can provide companies and researchers opportunities to evaluate materials within their product line and in ways not previously possible,” said CASIS Director of Commercial Innovation Cynthia Bouthot. “Today’s announcement of Goodyear sending an investigation to the space station further demonstrates that companies are thinking creatively to enhance their product lines, while also looking at humanitarian ways to improve the condition of our planet.”

For more cool research on the ISS, check out these five projects.