Reebok has designed a new boot for astronauts, but what’s the benefit?

(Image courtesy of Reebok.)
Being an astronaut is, admittedly, one of the coolest professions out there. Not only do you get to fly into space, undertake critical scientific endeavors and boldly go where no one has gone before, you also come back to Earth as a hero.
What’s not to like?
I’ll tell you.
It’s the gear.
Astronauts have to wear some of the most cumbersome, clunky, stay-puffed-looking clothing while they’re out in space. And it doesn’t get more haute couture when astronauts are riding on a rocket or living aboard the ISS. But that may be changing.
Reebok and David Clark Company have developed a new space boot that the companies state will be used by astronauts being shuttled to the ISS aboard Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner.
The new boot, named the Reebok Floatride Space Boot SB-01, is currently being tested by astronauts who will decide if the shoe’s lightweight construction will provide adequate comfort and performance.
The boot itself is comprised of a midsole that weighs less than an once and a specially engineered mesh for ankle and calf support. The Floatride is completed with an “optimized full coverage outsole to provide cushioning to astronaut feet,” something that should be done more easily in the zero-g environment of space.
“Weight is a huge factor in space travel, with just a single pound having big financial implications,” said Matt Montross, from Reebok Innovation. “Traditional space boots were made of rigid leather with firm soles and were not integrated into the actual space suit. Reebok Floatride Foam introduced three revolutionary elements to the space boot; it decreased the overall weight significantly, it brought the added comfort in a space boot and support that you would expect in a running shoe and it delivered a new level of sleekness and style.”
Now, you can agree or disagree about whether this boot is stylish (personally, I think it’s kind of hideous, plus I prefer black over white and I’m not really into gradients or logos), but it’s good to know that astronauts are finally getting the opportunity to look as cool as their profession and fulfill the fantasies of ‘60s and ‘70s sci-fi films by making space seem sleek and cool.
Plus, if they’re light enough to save mission control some scratch on space launches then so much the better.
For more futuristic fashion, learn about Reebok’s Liquid Factory Tech to “3D Draw” Shoes.