Redesigned Online Quote System from APP

Tulsa, Oklahoma – American Precision Prototyping, LLC (APP) announces they have redesigned and released their online quote system for both instant and manual quoting.

The redesigned online quote system has many improvements from the previous version including drag and drop file upload, larger and faster file upload, file upload of non-stl files, increased contact information, access to material and shipping information throughout the quoting process, and an improved manual quoting option all contained within a sleek new look which matches the new look of the APP website.

The drag and drop file upload feature allows customers to upload many files simultaneously, upload files of any type and accommodates those files that were at one time too large for online upload. The new system also gives customers the ability to view service sheets about the processes available to them while quoting to determine the best process for their project. Material data sheets, explanation of lead times and shipping options are available as well to assist customers while quoting. APP plans to add new options to the system in subsequent releases that will give customers more options regarding quoting and payment services to enhance the overall online customer experience.


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