where Ts is the absolute temperature (K) of the surface and s is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant (s = 5.67 X 10-8 W/m2 · K4). Such a surface is called an ideal radiator or blackbody. The heat flux emitted by a real surface is less than that of the ideal radiation and is given by
where e is a radiative property of the surface called the emissivity. This property, whose value is in the range 0 = å = 1, indicates how efficiently the surface emits compared to an ideal radiator. Conversely, if radiation is incident upon a surface, a portion will be absorbed, and the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit surface area may be evaluated from the knowledge of a surface radiative property termed the absorptivity á. That is,
0 = á = 1. Whereas radiation emission reduces the thermal energy of matter, absorption increases this energy.
Assuming the surface to be one for which á = å, the net rate of radiation heat exchange between the surface and its surroundings expressed per unit area of the surface, is
The surface within the surroundings may also simultaneously transfer heat by convection to the adjoining gas. The total rate of heat transfer from the surface is then the sum of the heat rates due to the two modes. That is,
Excerpt from: Incroprera, Frank and De Witt, David P. Introduction to Heat Transfer. Second Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1985, 1990. Copyright © 1985, 1990, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This material is used by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |