PUT US TO THE TEST Contest from Creaform

How often do engineers get the chance to make their most cherished yet craziest project a reality?

It’s exactly this opportunity Creaform is putting forward through the 2013 edition of its Put us to the test! contest.

With this contest, companies both big and small can submit a 3D engineering project that truly challenges our experts! Among all the entries received, Creaform will select one project, which will be awarded $25,000 to make it happen, on top of our guidance and expertise.


Make sure you watch and share our video about the contest, which provides all the details. And while we’re at it, we’d love if you took a look at last year’s winning project, which enabled the Australian Institute of Sports to design a kayak that was custom fitted to Olympic athlete Jessica Fox. The project, made possible with the help of one of our application engineers, took Ms. Fox on the podium at the recent London Games, where she won the silver medal! Did her incredibly ergonomic kayak play a role in her victory? Well, we don’t hate the idea.

Don’t hesitate to contact Creaform for more information.
