PTC Acquires Frustum

PTC Creo users now have generative design capability.

It’s another day, and another acquisition in the world of CAD and generative design.

This time, it’s Colorado-based generative design software company Frustum, which has been absorbed into the ranks of PTC.

We recently spoke to Frustum’s CEO about how the company fits into the world of generative design in this article on medical implants, so go and read that if you’d like to get up to speed on exactly what it is doing.

If you want the CliffsNotes version, then what you need to know is that Frustum offers a desktop- and cloud-based artificial intelligence generative design platform that enables engineers to explore design alternatives based on user-specified functional requirements.

Figure 1.Optimized aircraft bracket in Frustum. (Image courtesy of Frustum.)

Figure 1.Optimized aircraft bracket in Frustum. (Image courtesy of Frustum.)

With the recent acquisition, PTC will now be integrating Frustum along with partner ANSYS, providing a Creo-based workflow to engineers that enables them to simulate their work from the very beginning, as well as validate their designs via ANSYS Workbench.

“PTC is pushing the boundaries of innovation with this acquisition,” said Jim Heppelmann, president and CEO of PTC.

“Creo is core to PTC’s overall strategy, and the embedded capabilities from ANSYS and, later, Frustum will elevate Creo to a leading position in the world of design and simulation. With breakthrough new technologies such as AR/VR, high-performance computing, IoT, AI, and additive manufacturing entering the picture, the CAD industry is going through a renaissance period, and PTC is committed to leading the way.”

Figure 2. Surgical implant designed in Frustum (Image courtesy of Frustum.)

Figure 2. Surgical implant designed in Frustum (Image courtesy of Frustum.)

As with most acquisitions of this nature, the new relationship will be mutually beneficial to both parties, with Frustum bringing its domain expertise to PTC, and Frustum receiving the resources it needs to grow and develop its platform even more.

With the acquisition, users of PTC Creo will benefit by being able to:

  • Increase engineering productivity
  • Improve innovation and conceptual design exploration
  • Develop higher-performance designs that are lighter weight and have improved durability
  • Optimize new products for improved manufacturability, reduced material costs, and decreased manufacturing cycle times
  • Create complex geometries optimized for additive manufacturing
  • Deliver better products faster

“This acquisition is a natural step for PTC and its customers,” said Jeff Hojlo, program director of product innovation at IDC.

“AI and machine learning (ML) are widely discussed as two of the most impactful technologies of the future. For design, engineering, and R&D, the potential positive impacts of complementing the development process with AI and ML are astounding: lowering the cost of quality (which is currently 20-25 percent of annual revenue at the average manufacturer), improving product success rate (which remains very low with more than 80 percent of products failing), and improving time to market and time to revenue by meeting customer needs accurately the first time.”

You can try out PTC software by clicking this link, and you can request a demo of Frustum by heading over to this link right here.