Play with Clay Without Getting Your Hands Dirty

3D Systems announces Cubify Sculpt, a sub-D "clay modeling" software that allows the consumer market to create geometry without the hassles of parametric history, all for US$129.

Cubify Sculpt is a sub-D modeling program recently released by 3D Systems.  Targeted at the consumer — rather than industrial — market, Sculpt prices in at a whopping US$129.  Cubify Sculpt is a virtual lump of clay that gets pushed, pulled, sliced, and mashed into the final form.

Sculpt is integrated, taking the term loosely, with 3D Systems Cubify platform.  This platform targets the consumer market and is, in theory, designed to go from scan-to-cad-to-print. Future upgrades to Cubify Sculpt will provide it with plug-in capability for the Cube and CubeX line of personal 3D printers.  Even if you are not interested in 3D scanning or printing, playing with clay is always a good time.  Put it together with an interface like Leap Motion and I think the clay modeling experience got much more exciting.  Check it out free for 14 days.


(image courtesy of 3D Systems)