Pickup on How to Use Vectorworks 2016

Educational books teach users how to maximize productivity in BIM-ready software.

Building information modeling (BIM) software can be tricky for beginners to figure out. A quick visit to YouTube for video tutorials will often do for individual tasks, but to learn the ins and outs of a particular software, most users will need something more comprehensive.

For this reason, most types of BIM software often come bundled with some sort of learning guide. One BIM package in particular, Vectorworks, has recently come out with two educational books for its Vectorworks 2016 design software.

Here’s a look at the software and some of the features covered in the books:

Both books, which are in their eighth editions, are meant to educate users on the uses and functions for Vectorworks 2016. They come in hard copy for those who like to read the printed page and in DVD formats for those who don’t.

Vectorworks Essentials focuses on demonstrating, well, the essential concepts of the design program, such as simple drawing, modeling and file organization.

The latest edition also has a new feature: a set of “Test Yourself” exercises at the end of each chapter will challenge the reader to apply learned concepts to a problem.

“One of the training manuals we have at the office is Jonathan Pickup’s Vectorworks Essentials,” said François Lévy, principal architect at Lévy Kohlhaas Architecture. “[The] book is clear, methodical, systematic and thorough. You might think you’re buying a book, but you’re really getting a whole training curriculum.”

Vectorworks Architect Tutorial Manual shows users how to create and manipulate parametric objects like this bench model. (Image courtesy of Vectorworks.)

Vectorworks Architect Tutorial Manual shows users how to create and manipulate parametric objects like this bench model. (Image courtesy of Vectorworks.)

Vectorworks Architect Tutorial Manual builds on the essentials and teaches more advanced users about Vectorworks Architect 2016. It demonstrates efficient drafting techniques by drawing with intelligent parametric objects rather than using basic 2D geometry. It also describes how to use the software with a BIM workflow.

“It’s important for Vectorworks users to invest in their education to ensure that they are getting the most of the software,” said Pickup. “These two manuals serve as an easy and affordable way for users to get up to speed on Vectorworks and further their skills.”

Both texts are available for $75 each in the Vectorworks online store.