PDF3D Developers Release ParaView Plus for Visualizing Complex Data

For many years, engineers and designers have struggled on the best way to safely share design data with others. Security is an issue. Bandwidth limitations yet another as files containing engineering data are often gargantuan. Yet another roadblock is all the various types of file formats that engineering data is saved in. On the CAD side, each system saves its data in different proprietary formats, making opening and using other’s CAD data problematic, at best.

PDF3D to the Rescue

PDF3D is a 3D visualization and technical publishing platform that offers engineers, scientists and developers a better way to communicate and share complex data and 3D models with others in a universally accessible format. The technology under the hood of PDF3D provides the fastest and easiest-to-use, high compressed 3D PDF conversion available for a wide variety of formats and tools, making it perfect for CAD users.

ParaView Plus facilitates visualizations of engineering data

After working closely with engineers in several industries, the developers of 3D PDF have released a new version of the ParaView plug-in for 3D PDF conversion. Called ParaView Plus, the open source app was designed to visualize both large and complex scientific data on super computers as well as laptops and PCs. The new app now offers animated, interactive 3D PDF publishing features, enabling engineers to better and more easily visualize complex simulation results and share them with others.

ParaView Plus plug-in enables engineers to visualize complex data in a wide range of files and formats, including 3D CAD, GIS grids shapefiles and images, COMSOL analysis results, Point Clouds and OpenFOAM CFD data.
ParaView Plus plug-in enables engineers to visualize complex data in a wide range of files and formats, including 3D CAD, GIS grids shapefiles and images, COMSOL analysis results, Point Clouds and OpenFOAM CFD data.

ParaView 4.1, now works seamlessly with a range of files and formats, including 3D CAD, GIS grids shapefiles and images, COMSOL analysis results, Point Clouds and OpenFOAM CFD data, to pull information directly into fully interactive, high resolution, animated scientific visuals in 3D PDF.

“As with every product in the PDF3D suite, our sole aim is to make life easier for those working with highly technical, complex data. The technology used by engineers and scientists, whether that be CAD software or data visualization systems like ParaView, is moving at an incredible rate. Our job is to keep adapting our PDF conversion tools to enable our users and developers to turn their data into information that can be viewed and shared by anyone, no matter how technologically advanced their own software is.”

ParaView Plus is available to download now from the PDF3D website.

Barb Schmitz