In Owen Wengerd's Outside The Box blog ("Random thoughts about AutoCAD, ObjectARX, and the meaning of life"), we learn why some users are forced to install 32-bit AutoCAD on 64-bit computers: because some third-party apps are only compatible with the 32-bit version of AutoCAD — even (shock, horror!) some written by Autodesk itself, says Mr Wengerd.
One commenter writes:
Eagle Point has refused to port their product to 64-bit, and now that they are closing the doors on their civil software for vanilla CAD, I don't expect them to. Our office was forced to install 32-bit Windows just because of this one program.
The primary disadvantage to 32-bit AutoCAD is that it is limited to addressing 3GB RAM, at most. If your drawings are not large, then 64-bit is unnecessary.
Read the technical details at Port Your ObjectARX Code to 64 Bit.