Here are four energy blocks (G-A-I-L) which are most likely standing between you and your engineering success.
The following is a summary of Episode 91 of our podcast, The Engineering Career Coach (TECC) Podcast. You can also listen to the show through the player below, the website, or by subscribing on iTunes.
Here are four energy blocks (G-A-I-L) which are most likely standing between you and your engineering success.

G – Gremlins – the part of you that makes you feel less than who you really are, and shows up as the “I’m not good enough” voice.
How to overcome it:
Expose it and talk back to it – keep telling yourself you can do it.
A – Assumptions – The assumption that because something happened in the past that it will happen again.
How to overcome it:
Question the assumption and try to prove it wrong.
I – Interpretations – Your story and interpretation of a person or event; judgment you created to be true.
How to overcome it:
Don’t judge things and don’t judge people. Let them play out and experience them, you’ll be much better off if you do.
L – Limiting Beliefs – Limiting beliefs that are masked as truths, because you created them to be a truth for yourself.
How to overcome it:
Dump any limiting beliefs you have and say that you’re capable of doing something.
Have you identified your energy block in your engineering career?
Anthony Fasano, PE, author of Engineer Your Own Success, found success as an engineer at a very early age and now writes and podcasts to help other engineers do the same. Visit Anthony’s website at to access all of the free engineering career resources he has created to help engineers succeed.