Opportunity Comes Knocking

The news is out about how SolidWorks willing to help ;in this economic downturn with their ;Engineering Stimulus Package; A great opportunity ;is knocking on your door so why not open ;and let this package reside in your home or office for awhile. You cannot beat the price because it is

Drivers Start Your Cars!

By Richard Williams, 3/19/09

     Well maybe it isn’t going to be exactly like that but be prepared to take SolidWorks up on their very nice Engineering Stimulus Package.  You can find out more about this offer from the web site down below.  No final word has been released yet but if you are interested in being productive during your down time of unemployment or under-employment, then keep your eyes open for details.


      How do you qualify for this FREE MCAD program that will give you enough time to really get your feet wet and kick the tires, you may ask?  Well all the parameters for that are not in yet but from what I have heard and this isn’t the “Gospel Truth” just yet; you have to be an engineer who is out of work.  You will have to register yourself like you would do with most everything else you get off the internet these days, but that is basically it.   A full downloadable version of their program will be allowed for 90 days and there most likely will be another equal extension period.  SolidWorks understands the direct relationship to all that you do out there worldwide and the sales of their own MCAD program.  So they have a direct interest in what you do and how you do it and what you use to do it with.  Is this a promotion for them or a real opportunity for you?  You will have to decide that yourself. 

       No one knows the hardships of being unemployed and trying to stretch a dollar to pay bills more than this author, having been in the construction business for 37 years.  You definitely do not want to just sit back and do nothing while you wait for the economic upturn to happen.  My advice is to hunt for a job using all the internet web sites like http://www.engineering.com/ along with many others out there.  Join those technical social networking sites that help you to make those valuable “contacts” and study or beef up those unique gifts you have that led you to become an engineer in the first place.  Now is the time for those CEU training credits or your local colleges might offer something you can use in your work or that sparks your interests and learn some new tools that you can use like the SolidWorks 3D modeling program.  Stay positive because I have lived through quite a few of these recessionary periods when most people did not even know about it.  That was because it simply didn’t affect them and their jobs.  I used to say all the time that when the Stock Market sneezes, the construction industry caught a cold.  Usually it was a good one.  Tight money equals a tight job market. 


       No matter what MCAD or CAD program you use right now, if you are not employed and have the time to train yourself with some new tools, then this is the opportunity that fell into your lap.  The more tools you can use properly the better the chances for that next job.  Take care and remember, we are all in this together.  J  Bye for now.