Nikon Metrology Extends Ceramic Bridge CMM Family

ALTERA+ and larger ALTERA models extended with REVO 5-axis technology for improved productivity.

The ALTERA 7.5.5 and the ALTERA+ 10.10.8 CMMs. (Image courtesy of Nikon Metrology.)

The ALTERA 7.5.5 and the ALTERA+ 10.10.8 CMMs. (Image courtesy of Nikon Metrology.)

Nikon Metrology has extended its ceramic bridge coordinate measuring machine (CMM) range with the ALTERA+ and larger size ALTERA models.

ALTERA is designed to provide superior accuracy across a wide range of metrology applications. Probing support is extended with REVO 5-axis scanning technology to improve CMM productivity for complex tactile inspection applications.

ALTERA’s ceramic bridge, with greater resistance to temperature shifts, makes it suitable for metrology applications in a host of manufacturing and shop floor environments.

The stress-free horizontal ceramic beam and advanced multi-point bearings are designed to counter any negative effect on accuracy when using long probes.

ALTERA CMMs support a variety of tactile and non-contact probing and software options.

Multi-sensor technology extends the ALTERA capability to measuring parts which are large or small, 2D or 3D, hard or soft and prismatic or free-form. With almost 30 different models and 7 bridge sizes, the ALTERA offers solutions for an array of applications and requirements.

The extended sizes range from the smallest measuring volume (7.7.5) to the largest (60.20.15), of the standard sizes available.

Software options consist of CAMIO and CMM-Manager as well as MODUS to operate the Renishaw REVO-2 probe head.

Other notable features of the ALTERA include:

  • Folding guideway covers to protect the air bearing guideways from airborne contaminates such as dust and oil
  • Pneumatic, self-levelling vibration isolators for optimum performance in areas subject to high levels of low frequency vibration
  • Automation capability for manual or fully automated FMS production cells can integrate machine tools, transfer systems and material handling

The ALTERA’s accuracy is fully ISO 10360 compliant and comes with Nikon Metrology’s 10-year original accuracy guarantee.

For more information, visit the Nikon Metrology website.