Mentor Graphics announces improved FMI and secondary air analysis.
Mentor Graphics has announced a new Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI), new simulation algorithms and improved Monte Carlo analysis for their Flowmaster thermo-fluid systems simulation software. Flowmaster is designed to provide easy model design production and accurate analysis from concept to design optimization to validation.
The new FMI features allow you to access Flowmaster models through an open-source environment. This means that exporting Flowmaster models into other CAE software is easier. Conversely, this makes it easier for Flowmaster to use models created by other CAE tools.
Hassen Hadj-Amor, Flowmaster user and product manager at D2T, explained, “Mentor Graphics’ new Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) model export capability is a hugely important development for system integrators who are looking for a standardized, zero-cost solution to tool coupling … The new Flowmaster tool provides users with a simple solution for the creation and export of network meta-models, ready for use in FMI environments, such as the xMOD simulation platform developed by IFP Energies Nouvelles.”
Mentor also announced new algorithms for secondary airflow and natural fluid circulation simulations.
The new algorithms used to determine the secondary airflow will help to assess the stability and accuracy of flow through rotating parts. For example, the feature can better predict centrifugal pressure and temperature in a gas turbine’s secondary air systems.
As for the simulation of natural fluid circulation, this will simulate the fluid flow in a closed loop system, without a pump. In this system the fluid flow is affected by heat fluctuations and gravity. This analysis is often used to design traditional power plants.
Monte Carlo simulations assess the effects of small variations in the inputs on the system. This risk assessment and quality control analysis is key to Six Sigma certification. The new release of Flowmaster has enhanced its Monte Carlo functionality with respect to unique random value generations for each parameter. It also includes the individual parameter calculations of mean, sigma, max and min.
Other improvements to Flowmaster include:
- Parametric studies with improved study input flexibility
- Smart modelling to make design space creation easier
Mentor Graphics notes that many of these improvements to Flowmaster were based on the requests of the user-base. Roland Feldhinkel, general manager at Mentor Graphics, said, “Our latest release of Flowmaster contains enhanced usability, collaboration, and user experience features requested by our customers from audits we conducted.” So if you want to see a specific enhancement in a future version of Flowmaster, go ahead and contact Mentor. You might get what you’re looking for.
Source and Image from Mentor Graphics