New Cinema 4D Software to Launch at IBC 2017

Top 5 new features and enhancements of Cinema 4D.

Cinema 4D traces its origins to a programming contest won by Christian and Philip Losch, who submitted their ray-tracer to Kickstart magazine back in 1990. Over the decades, Cinema 4D has mutated into a powerful application that is used for everything from 3D modeling, creating motion graphics, animations and renderings for content creators.

Artists and designers use it for visual effects, virtual reality, augmented reality and pretty much any 3D visualization scenario that you can imagine.

Germany- based MAXON, which also makes the popular BodyPaint3D software, announced that it will officially launch the new Cinema 4D Release 19 (R19) at IBC 2017, which will run from September 15–19, 2017, at the RAI Convention Center in Amsterdam.

Check out this incredible abstract architecture created in Cinema 4D R19. The software will be available for Mac OS X and Windows, but there are Linux nodes available for network rendering as well. If you have an existing MAXON Service Agreement that is active as of September 1, 2017, you will automatically receive the upgrade. (Image courtesy of MAXON.)

Check out this incredible abstract architecture created in Cinema 4D R19. The software will be available for Mac OS X and Windows, but there are Linux nodes available for network rendering as well. If you have an existing MAXON Service Agreement that is active as of September 1, 2017, you will automatically receive the upgrade. (Image courtesy of MAXON.)

Top Five Cinema 4D R19 Feature Highlights

  1. New Polygon ReductionThis time-saving feature will help users reduce whole hierarchies while saving important data like UV coordinates, selection tags and vertex maps, all of which will help ensure that different textures map correctly with polygon detail intact.
  2. Level of Detail (LOD) Object—Users can now define and manage settings to optimize render and viewport speed. 3D models and other assets can be exported as Filmbox (FBX) files for use in different game engines.
  3. BodyPaint 3D—An OpenGL painting engine now drives the software, providing artists and content creators with a display of real-time reflections (alpha, bump or normal). Users can also leverage the OpenGL engine to see displacement and texture for painting in colors and adding surface details to visual assets.
  4. New Spherical Camera—This simple feature allows users to render stereoscopic 360-degree virtual reality videos as well as dome projections for easy display on 360-degree video-enabled sites as well as live events that feature virtual reality dome experiences.
  5. Revamped Media Core—MAXON has rewritten its core software to add a speed boost and a refined memory made that are more efficient for video, audio and image formats—it includes support for MP4 videos (which don’t require the use of QuickTime).

To check out the complete feature list of Cinema 4D R19, click here.