New aluminum powders for additive manufacturing

Equispheres launched a new line of powder products that can be bundled with advanced engineering services to assist customers needing specialty metal additive manufacturing services. The three new powders are variations on the original aluminum alloy.

Equispheres unique aluminum alloy powder particles magnified to 50 μm

“Equispheres’ proprietary atomization process is carefully controlled and can be managed with precision,” says Dr. Conlon, CTO at Equispheres. “Powder features such as PSD (particle size distribution), morphology, and chemistry can be optimized to achieve specific behavior in the laser melting process and to meet defined application requirements.”

In addition to the original atomized AlSi10Mg powder Equispheres produces, the new metal powder products include:

Equispheres Performance – powder designed to provide enhanced printed part strength and performance across a range of applications. It achieves a 20-30% increase in the a-basis design allowable over traditional powders.

Equispheres Precision – powder designed to support applications where fine features and precision (as related to CAD design) are of paramount importance. This powder has proven to provide a 50 % improvement in dimensional accuracy.

Equispheres Production – powder designed to reduce the cost per part manufactured, with features designed to facilitate the rapid production of items without compromising mechanical performance. The company is working on parameter sets to increase production speeds by 3 to 4 times.

Equispheres also offers ‘bundled’ application engineering services to assist customers in achieving optimal results with the powder specific to their application requirements.

“The unique nature of the our powder requires the use of special printer parameters to achieve the best outcomes,” states Evan Butler-Jones, Director of Applications Engineering. “Our research team has been working with our industrial partners in automotive and aerospace to arrive at the optimal methods for the application of our powder. For new customers that knowledge on how to best use the powder is just as important as having the powder itself, which is why we now offer engineering service to facilitate the implementation of the powder into production.”

Equispheres plans to announce an additional line of products, specifically for sintering and use in binder jet printers in Q1 of 2021.
