Automotive Testing Technology International awards MSC Software
Recently, Automotive Testing Technology International (ATTI) awarded MSC Nastran Embedded Fatigue (NEF) the title of CAE innovation of the year.
This innovation gives engineers the ability to calculate fatigue analysis within the Nastran interface. With it, there is no longer a need to export simulation data into fatigue analysis post-processing software.
This allows for less file usage in the design phase, empowering engineers to assess bigger models. As the process is now all “in-house”, intermediate files are eliminated and reduced, from 200+ to a mere two files.
Possibly the most important change, though, is that engineers can quickly produce a fatigue analysis with every stress analysis. This allows for greater optimization of designs with respect to multiple constraints.
MSC Software’s CEO Dominic Gallello notes that “the recent update to the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard has imposed a tremendous challenge on automakers to design for lighter weight and still maintain structural integrity and safety … We designed MSC NEF to meet both of these challenge[s] and are delighted that it is delivering the results that the industry was calling for.”
Tristan Honeywill, ATTI jury member said that “fatigue analysis is important, but it’s always been quite difficult to integrate into the development process … It’s often done separately and so adds time. MSC’s NEF software goes a long way towards solving this problem. Doing the stress and fatigue work simultaneously gives engineers the chance to do more to extend the life of their products.”
Personally, I know that I’ve driven enough clunkers in my time to appreciate the implementation of integrated design software to increase fuel economy while also maintaining vehicle safety and durability.
Source MSC Software & Automotive Testing Technology International
Image courtesy of MSC’s Nastran Webinar available on