European Conference on Multiphysics Simulation, to be held in Manchester, UK, on 21st and 22nd of October 2014

Held in conjunction with the International Society of Multiphysics, and Fraunhofer SCAI, the event will be a must for all those involved in multiphysics simultion in any capacity.
Call for Presentations
In the first instance, abstracts of 300-600 words should be submitted for consideration by 20th June 2014. Abstracts must be clearly marked with presentation title, author’s name, organisation, address, phone numbers and email address.
Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be asked to prepare an extended abstract (typically 2-4 pages) and a Power Point presentation – full written papers are not required. NAFEMS prides itself on its independence and neutrality so we kindly request that submissions avoid any overt commercialism.
For full details, visit
NAFEMS is a not for profit organization aimed at promoting best practices and fostering education and awareness in the engineering analysis community. In line with its objectives to promote the effective use of simulation technologies, NAFEMS is continually seeking to create awareness of new analysis methodologies, deliver education & training, and stimulate the adoption of best practices and standards by offering a platform for continuous professional development. For more information, visit
Further information and high-resolution images are available on request.
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