MSC.Software and ACUSIM Announce Direct Coupling of MD Nastran and AcuSolve

MSC.Software and ACUSIM Software, Inc. announced the direct coupling of AcuSolve with MD Nastran for Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) simulations.

Utilizing MSC.Software’s OpenFSI Interface, the structural and fluids solutions communicate without third-party software and enable an efficient solution for problems requiring complex fluid-structure interaction modeling.

Wing Flutter Benchmark Flow Pressure Distribution

An integrated simulation system with a broad set of multidiscipline analysis capabilities, MD Nastran enables product manufacturers to simulate everything from a single part to complex assemblies. MSC.Software’s OpenFSI Interface enables coupling of MD Nastran with CFD solvers or other external services that implement the published APIs. Applications such as automotive door seal aspiration, shock absorbers, flexible aircraft wings, aeroelasticity, wind turbines, and heart valves benefit from reliable FSI simulations.

Deformable Flap in Wake of Cylinder

ACUSIM is the first company to offer direct coupled FSI technology and solutions, enabling accurate and robust results, and best-in-class solutions for solving complex multidisciplinary design problems involving coupled fluid flow and structure phenomena.

AcuSolve provides two powerful capabilities for simulating FSI and response to fluid forces, implemented with MD Nastran:

• Practical FSI (P-FSI): predicts linear solid/structural responses
• Direct-coupled FSI (DC-FSI):
predicts large deformation and non-linear solid/structural responses

MSC.Software and ACUSIM will be demonstrating AcuSolve’s direct coupling with MD Nastran during the upcoming webinar, “MD Nastran and AcuSolve coupling in SimXpert 2010 for industry leading FSI Simulations,” scheduled for Aug. 31, 2010 at 5:30 a.m. PDT and 10:30 a.m. PDT. To register for the free webinar, please visit:

ACUSIM Software, Inc.


::Design World::