Morus Zero Uses Vacuum Technology for Fast Clothes Drying

Company develops unit to use less energy, dry clothes faster

The engineers and designers at Morus come primarily form the drone and medical fields, and now work on “promoting the automation and intelligence of household work, using advanced automation controls.” With the idea that reducing wait time for household activities will make us happier, they’ve started to focus on clothes drying. The Morus Zero is an “ultra-fast countertop tumble dryer for any home”, and currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.

As any student of thermodynamics remembers, water evaporates faster in a lower pressure environment. Morus uses this idea to introduce vacuum pressure into the drying chamber and require less energy to dry clothes. One load of laundry will take around fifteen minutes to dry. The capacity is smaller than a conventional clothes dryer, the Frequently Asked Questions page says 1.5 kilograms of clothes or five adult shirts can be dried in one load. No dryer hose is required, the heat dissipates from the back of the unit. Water is collected in a 1.2 Liter tank at the bottom of the unit and can then be emptied by the user, a water level sensor monitors the volume of water.

A neodymium magnet brushless motor drives the vacuum pump with a horsepower of 0.4. The unit is 15 x 18 x 20 inches, and weighs 44 pounds. The drum inside is 11.5 inch in diameter by 10.4 inches deep. An average load takes 900 Watts, and the system runs on 110 or 220 Volt power through a six foot cord.

For all of the pedal powered, hand cranked or pump handled washing machine ideas that I’ve seen, this is one of the first innovations for a small profile clothes dryer. This Kickstarter campaign is wildly popular and has already blown by its funding goal even with a buy-in cost over $300. At this time there’s a FAQ that is 22 questions strong and a whopping 153 comments offering either support, more questions, or suggestions for more features. The campaign ends on June 12, 2019.