Modelica Support Comes to Visual-Environment’s Multi-Domain Simulation Platform

ESI-Player displays simulation results on a tablet.

ESI-Player shows ESI Virtual Performance Solution results on a tablet. Image courtesy of ESI Group.

ESI-Player shows ESI Virtual Performance Solution results on a tablet. Image courtesy of ESI Group.

Visual-Environment 11.5 is the most recent release of ESI Group’s virtual prototyping and simulation software.

The computer-aided engineering (CAE) software is a multi-domain platform which can perform pre/post processing, geometry meshing and simulation automations.

“[Visual-Environment] enables quick turnaround as there is no lead time between pre-processing, solver run, post-processing and report generation,” said Venu Kommanaboyina, section manager at Visual-Environment platform in Renault Nissan Technology & Business Center (RNTBCI).

This latest version offers support for the system modeling software Modelica. Modelica’s simplified 0D and 1D simulations give the users the ability to quickly perform multiphysics simulations of the overall system. These simplified simulations allow the engineer to assess the design space of the product much faster compared to complex 3D simulation.

In other words, Modelica allows engineers to manage larger, systems-level designs within the Visual-Environment interface. This tool will give engineers better insights into their design’s system requirements and component connections. Users will have access to Modelica’s standard library of system components as well as the ability to connect to 3rd party Modelica libraries. These libraries will speed up the creation of systems-level simulations.

It is likely that this added Modelica feature in Visual-Environment will work synergistically with ESI-Xplorer. Xplorer acts like a bridge that links the results and simulations of part-based 3D models with system level 0D and 1D models.

“In addition to direct benefits like cost savings, [Visual-Environment] minimizes human error and enables engineers to concentrate on improving vehicle performance without considering underlying CAE technology, as the technology is standardized and controlled centrally by dedicated CAE experts,” said Kommanaboyina.

The v11.5 release of Visual-Environment also includes a manufacturing assembly module. With this tool, engineers can take manufacturing processes into consideration when designing and simulating the product. For instance, engineers will be able to simulate and thus control the distortion of a product made via stamp-welding assemblies. Using the manufacturing assembly module, engineers can then use this as manufactured information in their simulations for more accurate results.

Users will also find the ESI-player a useful tool to share results with multiple teams and non-technical users. The ESI player will be able to display simulation results on Windows or iOS mobile and tablet devices. By sharing this tool with management, engineers will be able to share their results in a 3D interface to illustrate the design for those without technical training.

Will Modelica improve your Visual-Environment designs? Let us know below how you plan to use this upgrade.

Written by

Shawn Wasserman

For over 10 years, Shawn Wasserman has informed, inspired and engaged the engineering community through online content. As a senior writer at WTWH media, he produces branded content to help engineers streamline their operations via new tools, technologies and software. While a senior editor at, Shawn wrote stories about CAE, simulation, PLM, CAD, IoT, AI and more. During his time as the blog manager at Ansys, Shawn produced content featuring stories, tips, tricks and interesting use cases for CAE technologies. Shawn holds a master’s degree in Bioengineering from the University of Guelph and an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.