MiR Adding New Autonomous Mobile Robot Distributors

MiR adds more distributors and releases more AMRs for improved automated internal transport.

Since its launch in 2013, Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR) has grown remarkably with a gross growth rate of about 800% between 2015 and 2017 alone. The reason for this remarkable growth isn’t far-fetched though—it can be traced to the efficiency of their Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), which is proving invaluable for many manufacturing companies.

MiR Robot. (Image courtesy of MiR.)

MiR Robot. (Image courtesy of MiR.)

Being able to automate internal transportation using mobile robots is becoming increasingly important for manufacturers, mainly because it has been shown to optimize the production process and maintain a competitive advantage. So, in order to meet its ever-increasing demand levels and avail its products to a wider range of companies, MiR has announced the addition of six new distributors across North and South America.

The new distributors are Empire Automation System based in Rochester, New York;  Allied Automation, located in Indianapolis, Indiana; Lydey Automation in Brecksville and Maumee, Ohio; Macon in Tierra del Feugo, Argentina; Murten S.L.R., in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and I3 Mexico in Monterey Mexico. This new addition brings the total number of MiR distributors to 143 in 40 countries.

The existing fleet of MiR AMRs features the MiR 100—capable of autonomously transporting about 100kg (220lbs) of load—and the MiR 200 with a higher transport capacity of 200kg (440lbs). In June 2018, a bigger AMR, the MiR 500 was released with the capacity to lift a load as heavy as 500kg (1102lbs), thereby making it an ideal option for transporting heavier pallets in warehouses and manufacturing floors.

Probably the most interesting feature of MiR robots is the autonomy of collecting, transporting and delivering items with speeds of about 2 miles per hour. MiR will be showcased its fleet of AMRs at the 2018 International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago.